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Submitted by RobertFilbey on Tue, 2023-05-30 08:05
Benz Pro Sign
Saturday, Mar 11, 2023 - 02:00am to Saturday, Mar 11, 2023 - 04:01am

Tom and Dave and their staff hosted a visit from our section in early March.  While we munched on a spread of wonderful food, they walked us through changes and improvement to the shop.  After fielding some general car questions, we then walked out onto the shop floor to look over some current projects and they fielded additional questions.  Tom provided a detailed demonstration of how they pull codes from a car to help diagnose problems.  One member was able to bring his S550 in so that Tom could perform a full diagnostic on the vehicle.  The system not only peered into the car’s various electronic systems, but it was also able to actuate the individual wheel suspension systems and make the car “dance” as part of a suspension check.  It was very impressive, and we are fortunate to have a shop like Luxury Import Specialists available to us.